UNIfy: Sustainable Living #StayAtHome Edition-Week 2
UNIfy: Sustainable Living #StayAtHome Edition-Week 2
Week 2
3 tips to make your home more energy efficient
Slay Energy Vampires
“Energy Vampire” refers to appliance that consumes electricity in standby mode, especially those with clock display, remote control sensor or battery charger. They lurk in your home, taking the form of phone charger, router, television, microwave oven, etc., and can account for up to 10% of your electricity bill.
How to get rid of these vampires?
• Use smart power strips to turn off power to assorted appliances when they are not in use (e.g. television and TV box, computer and printer).
• Unplug chargers once your electronic devices are fully charged.
• Identify the appliances that you don’t use often and unplug them.
• Put appliances (e.g. computer monitor) to sleep when not in use by activating energy saving mode.
• 利用電源板(拖板)管理開關,將閒置電器的電源關上(例如: 電視及電視盒、電腦及打印機)。
• 當電子設備充滿電後,盡快拔下充電器插頭。
• 將較少使用的電器插頭拔下。
• 將電器調校至慳電模式(例如: 電腦顯示屏),在閒置時令其進入睡眠狀態。
Stay Cool
Fridge runs 24 hours a day and is one of the major energy consumers at home. How to conserve energy while keeping your food fresh?
• Try to keep the fridge and freezer about 80% full. Having less air space in the fridge can reduce the loss of cold air when door is opened. Consider filling the space with pitchers of water or packs of ice in freezer if it is too empty. Do not overcrowd it as it needs air circulation to keep food at even temperature.
• Don’t put hot food directly into the fridge. Let the food cool down first.
• Avoid frequent opening of refrigerator door which allows more cold air escape and hence higher energy consumption.
• Keep the fridge at optimal temperature of 3°C and freezer at -15°C. An extra 5% energy is consumed with every 1°C lowered.
• 將雪櫃儲物量保持80%滿,雪櫃中的空間減少了,因打開雪櫃門而流失的冷空氣亦相對少。如果雪櫃不夠滿,可考慮放置盛有水的水瓶於雪櫃或袋裝冰塊於冰箱。但要留意,切勿將雪櫃塞得過滿,避免阻礙冷空氣在雪櫃內流通,以確保食物保持溫度均勻。
• 待熱食冷卻後才放入雪櫃內。
• 避免經常打開雪櫃門,以免流失冷空氣。
• 把雪櫃及冰箱的溫度分別調至3°C和 -15°C。(注意:每降低1°C,就會額外消耗5%電源。)
Brighten Up Your Day
Lighting brightens up our home and makes spaces cozier and safer. It also accounts for 15% of a typical household electricity bill. How to save energy smartly?
• Sit near the window to bring natural light to your e-learning.
• Switch off lights when you leave the room.
• Switch to LED bulbs that last 3.5 times longer and use up to 85% less electricity than regular incandescent bulbs.
• Instead of going online all day, pick a book that has been on your waitlist and shelf for long. Let your mind travel through books.
• 網上學習時,可坐在窗邊,善用日光,令課堂充滿陽光氣息。
• 在家離開房間時將電燈關上。
• 轉用比烏絲燈泡長壽3.5倍且耗電量少達85%的LED燈泡。
• 不想整天留在家中上網?不妨在書櫃找一本還未打開的書,享受閱讀的時光,讓自由的意念釋放。
Week 1
3 tips to keep your mind and body healthy
Workout From Home
Exercising regularly can strengthen your immune system and boost endorphins, keeping your body and mind fresh and active. For workout regulars, try the flexibility exercises and high-intensity interval training(https://bit.ly/2UQjlGi and https://bit.ly/343PD4T). For beginners, let’s stretch together(https://bit.ly/2UNf3j4).
Practise Mindfulness
Staying healthy physically and mentally are of equal importance. Find a cosy corner at home, sit comfortably in easy pose, close your eyes, practise breathing and meditation with @Stilltogether (live and online resources) or @Smilingmind (app).
鍛鍊身體固然重要,心靈亦需同樣程度的照料。在家中找一個舒適的角落,盤腿而坐,閉上雙眼與@一起靜(網上直播及短片)或@Smiling Mind(應用程式)一同呼吸,好好練習。
Try Traditional Chinese Regimen
‘Washing hands, disinfecting and wearing masks’ is the golden set of preventive measures in Western medicine while Traditional Chinese medicine has its own approach:
• Veggie soup (Chinese style): https://bit.ly/2QStRf9
• Herbal sachets: https://bit.ly/39st6zF
• Acupoint massage: https://bit.ly/2wOFCML