UNIfy: Sustainable Living #New Normal Edition - Week 3
Event 4
Food and Sustainability from the Lens of Hong Kong Food Production
The pandemic has severely disrupted our daily routines, but it has also given us an opportunity to reflect on the essentials of life, which we often take it for granted, one of which is food. Where does our food come from? How is it produced? Do we have reliable food supplies? This forum help us get in touch with nature by looking at two farming projects in rural Hong Kong – the “Sustainable Lai Chi Wo Programme” and “Gift from Land” in Tai Po Lam Tsuen – to rediscover the value of local agriculture, examine the potential of food production in Hong Kong, and explore the relationship between sustainable development and communities.
疫症爆發打斷了我們慣常的生活節奏,但也令我們重新關注一直覺得理所當然及垂手可得的生活基本,當中包括給予我們能量的食物。食物從何而來?食物是如何生產的?食物供應是否源源不絕?食物本是大自然的恩賜,香港可持續校園聯盟 帶來是次講座,讓我們回歸大自然,從荔枝窩的鄉郊活化和大埔林村的「大地予我」計劃重新認識本地農業的價值、食物生產、可持續發展和社區營造的可能性。
Date: 15.3.2021 (一Mon) |6:30–8:30pm
Language: 廣東話|With SI in English
○ 胡應手先生 Mr WU Hand, 大地予我 Gift From Land ○ 戚曉麗小姐 Ms. CHICK Katie, 香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心 Centre for Civil Society and Governance, HKU
Details: https://www.sustainability.hku.hk/event/unify-hkfood
Online registration:
○ HKU students/staff: https://bit.ly/3ukd9Hs ○ Guests: https://bit.ly/2NqZgXv
Ms. Mei CHAN Miss Serena WONG
2616-7412 3943-3925
meichan@ln.edu.hk serenawong@cuhk.edu.hk